“Let’s Use Resources As Medicine And Food Instead Of Weapons”
Just a common sense adage that is ignored in our violent world today. Instead of reaping the lessons of peace from history, international fears have been cultivated to establish our needs of mighty arrogant armies and weapons. It seems mass media has nurtured an unhealthy paranoia ,that is societally self destructive;good news is boring,so Usao gets a consistent barrage of alarming negative slants of news. Usao by realizing media has this effect can resist panic and chaotic thoughts better. Knowing there is a situation is the first step toward corrective actions. Good people with big hearts abound; let a smile be our first instinct and a helping hand our norm . By using our resources wisely-not blowing up the atmosphere and natural habitats-Usao should build trust and ,”LURAMAFIOW”,become our course of action for a peaceful future.☮️
*Pompicpoe,LURAMAFIOW ,