Life Is Not Just About Money
The terms whiawol and phiffos had a statement about working hard and playing’s regenerative quality. LINJAM speaks of reasons other than money to act or do something beneficial or creative. The emotional gifts of an action ,practice,system, or tradition can be far greater than monetary value, by building trust,harmony,safety,happiness,security,or even personal enjoyment.
Humility,teamwork,loyalty and traits that are examples of respect for all life are the way toward PEACE☮️
The driving forces for the growth of society at times may have been avarice or fear, but technology,and education are answers Usao needs to know to survive .Love is a basis that warms and calms our hearts;gives optimism to our intellects. The already loving must be determined teachers and examples as we are able. Hmmmmm,🤓,sooooo,now that USAO(me) has blabbed my lips into soreness,let’s use the new Peace Speak word: “Sigfy,Usao, honath LINJAM;pompicpoe, liphan liphant!☮️