PJ Topaz

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In the natural world survival can depend on listening,or learning; at times pure strength might be how Usao(we)survive. Our Covid19 pandemic has provided example of qualities to assist and aid societal recovery; such as hygiene, individually and as a fastidious team member. Secondly, we need unity and love to provide the ambition and initiative to do civic duty ,and be responsible.
USAO(me), hopes that during my blog lapse(couple months) the nature of what Peace Speak is about writing and thinking in an everyday way that improves my own real life self performance,,supportive functionality,and familial contentment. The last couple years of blog rambles all over, but by rule,there are no cuss words
Surviving together with stoic unified maximum efforts is how Usao(us) will proceed; key loving admonitions ring true here,” be safe!”

NOTE: USAO says jamming,Zumba, whatever your life style , find the time to keep cardio vascular and muscle tone good; music gives a mood that is beneficial to a workout.
