“It Was A What Ever The F—k It Was!”::ee-wa’-wet🎶-foo”,😇
NOTE: USAO(me), could never swear in front of Mother’s ears, but gained numerous un-motherly terms while an Army drill sergeant at Ft Benning, Ga,and a few other US Army forts; “f—k“ words became a line of humor among us “cannon fodder”;think about being alone,cold,hungry,depressed………..maybe even horny, but still able to envision the “f—king” charlatan politician/businessman/woman that thought the answer was to fly jets and blow up cities.
NOTE: USAO(me), cries everytime I see Vietnamese kids afraid ,eyes hoping for safety.;dreams of guilt, for me.😢☮️ USAO(me), thought I could do my part there in Vietnam Nam, but love and peace doesn’t work that way; different tools, for different effect;it is a level of violence , greed,and fear; not hope . Our short times in life should show our values and be the most fun we can have, with the people we love; and with everyone we meet every day 👌☮️