PJ Topaz

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Spolsoch,honath,Pompicpoe ☮️🎶

Peace means waking slowly, hugging your loved ones, watering the begonias, honeysuckle, and their floral kin. Holding a warm tea to your lovers lips, way before the sweet dreams have cooled..My USMA has work ethic that made me trust, then love her..Inherent to me was respect for Her ambition; physical attraction, creativity ,was family dependability.,When mother was still living , we worked side by side to grow abundant vegetables,life sustain produce to share.🎶

Having both a wife and mother that nurtured , and fed is a comfort that spanned my lifetime; USAO(me) is thankful for every bit of truth and honest advice from anyone;about anything, anytime,anywhere ☮️🎶