“Family Is What Matters Most And Grounds USAO”: Foo-maj’-ee-ooh🎶, fiwmmagu
NOTE: USAO(me), had an anger meltdown a couple days ago, the reason is a cumulative one, several issues and stresses combined ; the loved ones near me recognized my loss of control and helped me shut my big mouth before I made things more difficult and sad. My sweet women have saved me from huge grief, if USAO had acted out violently , today would not be ,again, a beautiful day to be thankful for.
USAO, started blogging about anger defusion; a self improvement tactic, a couple weeks ago, then promptly got caught in an anger situation anyway. Our national politics , isolation, economy, everything , requires all of us to pull together; forgiveness frees the heart to love openly; universally.
NOTE ll: My daughter used Peace Speak format to create both “fiwmmagu “, and another, the first of the two,”tiabdff”(today is a beautiful day for forgiveness) precious words from a precious heart. My wife stood face to face with my ugly angry face and spoke soft conciliatory thoughts to me, that finally broke through my painful thinking. My anger fixed nothing, but their love and patience did , and has most definitely seen me past a social crisis. Hopefully, our story will encourage others to stick with peaceful reactions to stress. Everyone be safe, cautious, and get home to your families.👌☮️🎶