PJ Topaz

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“We All Talk Openly’ Or We All Eventually Fail Together “,wa-toh’-oh-wa’-eft’

NOTE: Smile,Usao,USAO is smiling a rueful smile when saying these new words.☮️As we talk issues out; listen intently throughout discussions. Our dialects,affectations,and nervous expectations can stall ,momentarily ,communicating with our loving sisters and brothers;or among people we meet ,or often simply passing at a busy crossroad. Let’s THINK deeply about how actions help create Peace in our Neighborhoods, or personal realm,by our our own sensitive courtesy and demeanor. Pompicpoe,Alitamtam.

added note re FGsrdopha☮️: Humaii elder suggests covert revolution is imminent on Gardopha;besieged by Gold Titan Company the empire.