Free Love;Our Empowering Force☮️❤️
Hey oh Usao,love you each and everyone,all Humanity is Mine to love. Let’s forget Historical (very important stuff)facts briefly.🥸(me)thinks love powers incredible happenings;people are encouraged by kindness and courtesy,respectful body language speaks so much to OUR seniors,OUR handicapped,and even OUR young studs and Sisters like courtesy ;OUR young Moms feel aided by assistance and safety ,responding demeanor.Pompicpoe,live in Peace,work to have peace,unify with joyful harmony.Precious PEACE begins at home and community and ourselves of course,BUT History is not a valid Excuse to create more wars,🥸unless dysfunction is the intermediate goals toward raking in a lot of BIG MONEY for all the oligarchs.🤢 History is OVER:let’s absorb and learn what happened when subjugation became the sole goal of World aristocratic,tyrannical “owners”. Economic datas based on wartime economics do earn big armament money,for ….who?OUR civilian Societies,subjugated dependent families receive scrutinized wages in return for horrible life altering exploitations. OUR PEACE and no death would be decidedly better. 😵💫☮️🙏Ceasefires will come from the hearts of leadership that can retain vision of peace;remember the feeling of safe warm family-rooms to share ,together.USAO says take your own Free Love and go give it away! (big challenge here).Imagine blue and gold love-mists floating out of your heart and genius brain,to create PEACE AGAIN ☮️👌🏽Love Usao, Alitamtam