PJ Topaz

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Ceasefires Create Immediate Opportunity for Mankind🙏🎶🎶

Hey oh Usao Alitamtam. Atmosphere OUR Earthly essential;invaded by cordite,and fumes of commerce and wars on every continent,needs attention .Ceasefires begin……unification;unifications form trusting Peace. Earth then deservedly gets better treatment by us Humans. Usao needs shelter,medicine and food;among the aesthetic amenities available to Modern educated,co-operative Society. Freedom,intellectual,without reprisal is spiritual; read,observe,work,thrive using our real dignity. With courtesy,respect is earned ;ceasefires,Usao, where we can make small peace,then bigger peace,and so on!☮️🙏 My point of title was .rebuilding after wars begins when killing is not allowed anymore. Opportunity for next generations are enlightened by sincere examples of trust,loyalty gained by consistency,education and dedication to each other. USAO loves everyone,everywhere;envision Peace,work for it however you can. Be safe. Pompicpoe.Tint-wupia ☮️🙃Ardaholi (you designated Drivers get our loved ones home,thanks)