PJ Topaz

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Ceasefire Can Occur Quickly When Honesty Returns☮️🙏Alitamtam

Hey oh Usao,Pompicpoe,Edandu.Biyabo.Love everybody,prayers of safety and hope.

Ceasefires can occur quickly when honesty returns; real motives be discussed .openly to us all. Some Immigrants at Mexican border carry drugs every day,all day long because of chaos at exact border gates.Mixed among refugees,the drugs are easy to move .Confusion on delivery days is good cover. International drug trade is a facet of modern Cold War activity,shifted by militarization world wide;drug lords need their armies, governments and mercenaries combined ,they are the murderous forces of oligarchs(drug barons);they don’t want honesty of purposes. A world aristocracy that loves itself more than their peoples,will draft,conscript,hire,act like leaders,but haven’t any heart for the big job of caring and loving people. So the Russian people are dying so their paranoid Putin can keep his holdings. Ukraine,beautiful country,has incurred horrible mass murders ,and the reality is global drug trafficking being part of siege mentality of key diplomats that are receiving wartime wealth. So armies fight armies ,with our children and in our cities? The mass street deaths in USA for 30-45 year old from opioids,a result of “political wars?”Our wars seem to be fought in faraway drug capitols and entry borders. The senseless deaths in Ukraine must stop immediately;all the reasons for VPutin’s war are tilted toward vague historical reasons,but again drugs via Russia flow all over USA.,not a discussed priority in calls for war. Harmful ,street drugs are an element of modern suppression ,subversion,and exploitation.With honesty we could reunite at every turn, building trust toward society solutions. Ceasefires stop explosive destruction right away;slows flow of wartime earnings toward greedy world oligarchy ,so eager to earn blood money. Truth involves no convenient omissions;honesty is truthful,especially when it involves needless suffering and death. Democracy is best functioning without war-raise hands,nobody gets killed. Usao likes it! Find productive jobs for military personnel that don’t harm each other ,or the planet.;give back those young golden adult years for growth ,to learn more about their unique special self. Honesty,talk about it,live it;diplomatic relations need move forward faster ;chaos is tool of subversion. Table talk has no time for lies,whether clerical illusions.or delusional speculation-ceasefire.Putin should address the United Nations in person;open up his tax figures,stop killing people,repent,get emotional counseling. I say,” Ceasefire World”, loving kindness,”Woffing.”(without forgiveness friendship is not growing)

Truth of motive for wars at any level gets distorted;rationale and reason are affected by economics that also get distorted;subsequently our soldiers of defense kill each other because of tainted unchallenged graft and lies? Ceasefire, do what we can.Love you all.☮️🙏