Hey oh Usao;love for everyone; Pompicpoe,Alitamtam.
Anwo’shavop☮️”A New World Order ‘Should Have A Vision Of Peace”:an-woe’-sha-vop🎶. A goal of tranquil peace ,times of joyous living is mine;as peace is the goal of all the universe of the loving. Wars are the method of exploitation;colonialism was another word for robbery and exploitation; using religion to justify violence. Science and education can record historical events,but loving united Humanity will learn the lessons.(capital H tells all,unified by perception and reason, Usao(us,we) set a democratic example/standards,where intelligence is utilized;problem solving,like food medicine,housing,……education. United Nations of all Earth nations,answerable immediately for violence. Our planet lives with nuclear weapons(and weapons of all shapes and sizes),enabling bullyism ,by allowing a miasma of hateful military……religions,and power grabbing doctrines(disguised drug lords). Peace is our answer ,Usao, the direction of peace is progress;economies rebuild,the dead remain dead; ceasing fire stops the killing. Usao knows combat: it is rich people (from afar)sending poor altruistic warrior people to die.Sadly,time after time the ultimate reasons for war is so an aristocracy can keep all their stuff. PEACE is how we get better.
Photo:bone carving Joe Kemp