Selfish Actors Generals Oligarchy and Politicians Are The Same
Hey oh,Alitamtam,Tintwupia;Unite with loving kindness leading the way. Ceasefires. Please,stop shooting,stop bartering missiles;hmmm,long term wars is nonsense. Modern technology is the future of humanity and is the deliverance of peace. Sensationalist medias are being exposed for the evil tool it can be;Democracy,the people needs timely truths. Usao(us we)need everyone,voters,soldiers,teachers,truckers,nurses to unite ;unite in efforts to seek peace by participating;doing good works if possible. Standards of living can improve if war stops; business and farm staffing and such becomes family oriented again. Earth doesn’t need wars to avoid overpopulation,and overconsumption,Earth needs cooperation,united leadership;wars of convenience are sinful,sick,spoiled slaughters done by greedy politicians,oligarchs,powerful bureaucrats with fat pockets. Peace is for people,war is for money making aristocracy. Speak for ceasefires;soon as possible;missle counting and pompous speeches are tools of the show business politics and wars. Long term war should be a misnomer,an oxymoron;we can have peace Earth;so many good people,together will reclaim civility;using the same military inspired technologies with social insight. Usao loves you everyone,everywhere,we can do this together by participating,voting using your own heart as your common denominator.