PJ Topaz

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Being A Minority Is Tough -Like An Endangered Species(Bamit-Laes)☮️🙏

“Hey oh🎶USAO (me), Edandu; JOIN TOGETHER In LOVE. Loving kindness is prevailing.
Usao(us)has clawed our way out of subjugation;Usao (us)has a chance to end the “fashionable Slavery”, so loved by ex-Pres ,Donald Trump and his buddy gangsters from Russia. These EVIL Assassins,killing in Ukraine though mostly ill-advised conscripts seek to kill (and rape),stupid uneducated thugs ; MUST be stopped cold now. However Russia rewrites their historical script,DEATH is how Communist Russia makes their marks; more booty,more vodka,more heroin to “feed” their troops(and our society in the meantime)as the poor souls become cannon fodder for megalomaniac,irreverent oligarchs. What semblance of spiritual motive by Russia is a charade ,for their populace cut-off,no real MEDIA anymore. Move ahead NATO,UNITED NATIONS TOGETHER. CEASE FIRE,NOW ,RUSSIA,or be stopped.Harmony will eventually be achieved by respectful philosophical futuristic Democratic growth.
******News ☮️Flash Jehovah,Allah,Buddha,God,Jesus; and ALL other theological human labels of “life force ,way of life concept —are actually spiritual buddies now. There is NO REASON for War. Alitamtam Pompicpoe 🎶

USAO knows there are referential omissions of particular theological beliefs in my last “flash”,but wished only to say keep family values at the forefront. Edandu; love is felt mostly; the acts go unseen by many,but have a lasting memory. Be safe.Pompicpoe