Modern eraWar ,is More Gang Fighting between Billionaires 😵💫🥸🙏🌈(less altruism needed,because the mercenary money is so much)
Whew,Hey oh,Usao,kokopuff Pompicpoe ☮️USAO(me)prays right now for personal safety,ceasefire soon as WE can;the “warriors”can STOP if they choose. Thugs and mercenaries are already paid,owned to exterminate innocents,their business bond is complicated;I guess their big shot idea is to drug,divide and conquer by killing in mass.who is their god?how old are the books :where were boundaries of ancient times.take the sanctimonious robes off Russia;your gangsters run the globe,everywhere,but Ukraine ,the wonderful soil,meant for food farming—not destructive needless gang wars.. Exploitation by war murdering;perceived by Russia;how is that possible?with no checks and balances,closeted away Vladimir’s mental hygiene is blasted. Get on your knees next to your “holy” priest,Vladimir (your mobsters will help you up).CEASEFIRE UNITED NATIONS,NATO—STOP the SHOOTING NOW.Alitamtam Edandu love you everyone everywhere,PEACE can happen again.Pray Work,be safe.