Ceasefire Let Love Speak Now😢☮️Alitamtam Edandu
Hey oh,Usao, Alitamtam; I love everyone of you,everywhere.Pompicpoe says mind first,then everybody,then rest of Earth in Harmony 🎶😢As the mass killing machines of Russia lose their focus;hopefully their manic gunners’ drugged thinking,OR,vodka soaked livers will erode,and their guns hateful ,evil “compliance “shootingCEASES. These dead people there in Ukraine are REAL—got it,!!,your sick sport field,look Russia!! 💥Drive over in your sport car like a picnic! Now that the de-humanizing efforts done by sick Russia,;you can go park by a recently “undug” mass grave there,too late to open your eyes when you see where your cousins were machine gunned down by mercenaries;not conscripts mostly;horror spreading professional terrorists. If someone pays those kind, they will just keep shooting. Mob fueled,self-centered violence by military clothed gangsters;Russia got rid of a bunch of collateral ,conscripts quickly last month,so now Vladimir still has his “valuable assets”(killers),getting busy with their role in the land grabbing/stealing-still haven’t heard a good reason for this unnecessary War. Heck,Putin,if you want real power unite in loving spirit,utilize democratic ways ,let your good works speak for your history. 🙏Sooner the ceasefire in Ukraine the better for,Usao(us),ALL.Ceasefire in conceptual World unity. Pompicpoe (mercenaries go home)☮️World;educate,communicate;our families need us;Unified,Dignified,VISIONARY leadership is Usao(us)be safe Love,Alitamtam