Humility Benefits Listening-Ceasefire World☮️🙏✌️🌈
Hey oh,Usao, Pompicpoe. USAO(me) believes anger does spiritual injury;WE must subdue with our prayers our own instinct to be “drawn in” to blind retaliation ,and thus nuclear weapons eventually. Russia is so sick with hedonistic aristocratic paranoias; Vladimir wants to “win”,or take down all civilian and humanitarian targets ,in his way,until he is unable (unemployed)🙏Hopefully,Our Free World unified heartbreak ,and indignant anger can be our motivation,and not messy chaos. Usao(we) are together too much for Russia; they kill bad their employees,hire psycho mercenaries that are in the end totally disloyal,they keep citizens misinformed;the list of how mean Russian communist military and such is ,a long brutal list.. From within yourself,Russian soldiers ceasefire;do what can be done there to bring Peace Back;your leadership is confused and dangerous to Everyone.😢…. ✌️Usao(us),by being poised,controlled,efficient,using our unified powers best,can stop this needless self-centered war of the rich boys. There are too many good people,everywhere to rally and contribute;words of unity spoken ,spiritual rally cries,mean something;encouragement can be critical.🙏 Let’s begin to grieve,for our souls need to cry,and work,work,rest some,and continue with interactive humility to learn what will bring a new peace. We deserve Peace,World; people,families,workers of every kind DESERVE PEACE. For Way Too long schemes to subject peoples,workers,etc. had educational advantage for the gluttonous aristocracies of the World;NOW the workers are smarter than the lazy overfed types.Let’s use poise and humility to be informed and unified. Maybe Russia can grow past Vladimir Putin;maybe a revolution via media and papers;something ,anything to bring the needless violence to an end. USAO likens metaphorically this explosive warfare on Earth to an untreated,but curable cancer; the planetary putrefaction, both the vaporous cordite and our spiritual trauma,is NEEDLESS;a decision made by Russian mobsters to fight,fight and kill at will. Sick terrorism by MERCENARIES. ☮️To decisively stop Russian disfunctions ,WE need clear thinking ;with Individual humility Usao can listen effectively to each other ,and to divine guidance.Free World stopping the Russian money making explosions,and oil consumption can be achieved when Russia ceases to make personal money for the oligarchs.With NATO teamwork it will happen.Alitamtam, Edandu,Pompicpoe ☮️🙏🎶
PHOTO:USAO’s humility was often “remanded” by this Angel from Oklahoma (my Ma);grace in diplomacy Usao☮️🥹bless her soul. be safe