PJ Topaz

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Usao(us) is Reaching Out for Help🙏☮️🙏☮️🙏

Endandu,Alitamtam,Honath; The injuries upon children sustained by ferocious military personnel is unnerving;how can fat little idiots tell thousands to kill each other,and we have optimism even for this Summer? Look at the responsive power of unity;China got some of it finally;even with greedy aristocracy entact(water,IT,food vulnerable) China found War is a bad deal. Once again China looks at global idiots fighting against each other and is relieved that previous imperialisms will fail. Somewhere between religion and politics, USAO(me),began to question where some of our “leaders” are trying to go?WE are NOT cannon fodder for over educated and underachieving aristocracy. USAO’s type of GOD loves us equal; not to be dependent,but inspired by goodness to achieve communal results. UKRAINE needs support,how we help is being unified; to show mass intelligence toward SOCIALLY beneficial programs. DEMOCRACY avoids WAR; too many of our families lose so much to agree to more senseless killing. Some medias are bought out,others agreeably mundane; Usao needs simultaneous,unified,CEASE FIRE; the lethal political terrorism is unconscionable,disassociated with modern reality. As our Ukraine brothers and sisters stand tall,and injured;let’s help as we can. The next generation needs us.Pompicpoe ☮️
photo: new lilac buds announce Spring🌈