PJ Topaz

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USLIWAEDALIT,Virtual History is Happening 🙏☮️😢

Hey oh,Usao,wherever you are today;we pray for your safety. As USAO’s heart breaks about needless unprovoked War killing PEOPLE in Ukraine ,I perceive an opportunity for Earth’s inhabitants to LEARN TOGETHER that even with stupid greedy neurotic Evil Forces provoking another land grab,or heist of some kind,there are too many loving,good,people to be subjected forever. USAO believes it;seeing LOVE described in so many ways.places,languages 🙏💕these children watching want to know our truth as we teach it. Wars are either fear or greed based at this modern point in time;altruistism and kindness being tossed aside by self-centered bullying Sad there ,losing aspects of harmony and production for the people. Usao,we need GLOBAL Education ,Communication,Philosophical Spiritual Alliances that embraces joy of our lives together on this amazing beautiful planet. CEASe FiRE;be safe;Alitamtam Edandu ☮️🙏Pompicpoe