PJ Topaz

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Hey oh Usao, Alitamtam,kokopuff: USAO loves you each and everyone.☮️🙏

Today the new Peace Speak term is an adaptation of Murphy’s Rule,”what can will,etc”: my thinking is about fictitious ,faraway,Gardopha, our first planetary ally. Yadirf ,the teacher, admonishing the “gnuoy” (the children of the middle-canopy Humaii)to consider all options,dangers,and results possible,before moving.Safety crucial on every planet. Hmmmm, 🎶,Usao,the 🎶sign is used grammatically correct to indicate the melodic sounds of Humaii speech;for the sweet phonetics of their voices.

Peace Seak:wipiltos: “what is possible is likely to occur sometime:”: wi-,pil’-tos🎶

Musing🤪:peace can come quickly:as quickly as a thought can become an epiphany;ending persistent,delusional angers. Ceasefire World; economic times can be based on PEACEFULNESS and PRODUCTIVITY,USAO(me) loves you all(United Standing As One); soooooo, be safe and come back ,”wipiltos ☮️🙏🎶🎶tint-wupia (there is no them-when universal Peace is achieved)