PJ Topaz

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Be Usao’s Best Self🙏

Hey oh,Usao,Alitamtam,May you all be safe. As We work to improve ourselves and situations,there is comfort to know We have tried to be our best, and to help others when possible. To recognize where Usao can help; look to do the best We can to ease other’s pain,suffering,hunger,worry and frictions of dissent. Usao (you) are amazing and talented;with focus toward humane society you can do GOOD. Do your best and “Biyabo”(belief and optimism sustains your good efforts).Being vague about “what”to do was purposely,because when a need occurs you will know. Love you each and everyone; be safe.World Peace WILL be a reality; by doing our best! So many good hearted people all over the WORLD; families generate joyful memories. Pompicpoe Ceasefires,Usao,ceasefires and diplomatic efforts ☮️