PJ Topaz

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Equality Pertaining To Relative Efforts Is -A Good Idea☮️(eptrei-agi)

Eptrei-agi :🙏☮️ep-tray’-ah-gee🎶 Hey oh Usao,love,safety admiration to you,we will always miss your living presence;attaining peace needs everyone;you(random shooting victims)were so special and unique;such a wonderful part of the family activity ,fun with people. Usao cries,wishing the tormented stray bullets that killed you,while dancing at the festive club,precious one,had never been fired. Sad lines drawn in sick shooters brain,complicated.. Sad.🙏Global wars are configured by smart greedy minds,much as economies are structured by power-crazed politicians,their sick generals unable to control or lead their mercenaries . Drugs worldwide is politically a military situation ;Usao(us,everyone,subjugated consumers)drive the type vehicles “THEY”wish people to drive,as we hear their power hungry self-serving propagandas. Earth’s paranoid oligarchy never had the acumen for leadership;their wealth attained by crime, corruption ,inflation.Existing concurrently with the family world;they” partied their way to top economic tier,then have no interest in politics,or leadership really;war a mere game of deadly finance to “THEM”;but all us minions(we us ,Usao),who did the working(fighting!),are still “collateral damage “,to “THEM WHO CHOOSE WAR OVER PEACE”! Mankind the unified,multicultural,magnificent species is splendid;In democracy Usao has each other,we have amazing,living ,loving people who love LIFE,every life. Ceasefires cause peace-we can do economic charts and bank statements after the dying ends. Love everyone be safe.Tint-wupia. 🎶🙏Pompicpoe,

Note:Finding Gardopha “,use probably Yadirf to plebe ☮️🎶