Lama-wotard 🫶🏻
Hey oh,Usao🎶love to everyone everywhere,all the time. Kokopuff,Biyabo(🤔new word”Biysababo-:bee-sa-‘-ba’-bo 🎶believe in your sisters and brothers and be optimistic)SING.☮️…….🙏I pray you are safe.Alitamtam,Edandu
PSpeak🤓☮️:Lama-wotard:la-ma’-wo’-yard’:”leaders are more apparent-when our times are tough”. Usao believes it,love propels people to be brave. To love something,or someone so much as to be a force of goodness in their defense.🇺🇦☮️ Love to everyone. Pompicpoe.Photo:Cougar Reservoir in Cascade Mts,Oregon,USA🙏so quiet