PJ Topaz

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Llatsow-Ceasfire Earth-Unite Nations☮️🙏

Hey oh Usao Alitamtam,Tint-wupia,Litafmoli; stopping killing soon is wise,enough death. Our hearts need our minds to regroup:negative,avaricious mercenary oligarchy has Media’s attention because,like crime and killing War is scary to Usao(us all);easier to control if worried a lot. Leaders of true peacemaking agendas somehow get overlooked by these star studded Media groups;Usao sees the awful killing,but where are the negotiation tables on our cameras?🤓War fears escalate prices,shortages,build divisive paranoia in our societies-and they don’t care who dies to make themselves richer. Usao (all of us who love Life))need peace. Our world is educated enough to achieve peace:let’s be unitedly loving enough.

PSpeak 🤓☮️Llatsow(let’s look at the survivors of war):yat-sow🎶* rebuilding hopes is so hard when grief and anger are happening;we still need to ceasefire soon as possible. Our Earth has a thin crust,inhabited by a lot of vulnerable wildlife and people.Pompicpoe ☮️🙏Llatsow,Edandu,Amucda

☮️Tint-wupia(there is no “them”-when universal peace is achieved)