PJ Topaz

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Can War Explosions Cause Seismic Catastrophe?🥸☮️🫶🏻

Hey oh Usao,Edandu; love powers unite; NATO,please show Putin how to “disappear “,give him new identity (a beard maybe),hidden and gone. Money,money,money-oh,Usao meant to say war,war,war is not economic principle-nor necessary. Greedy depraved people want wars;let’s get peace,as in motivated ceasefire,back on the table. Financial ledgers look great for artillery shell-makers and such,but we see mercenary terrorists killing civilians:paid shooters with no rules they answer to;Putin pays them. Russia needs new leader;no time to bow out graceful,Vladimir,you are not the one to rebuild peace-you are the one who lost peace for us all.Screw your money,try to stay in front of your own mirror long enough ,think bigger;bigger in the realm of real Leadership. Usao saw news picture of Vladimir near church officials earlier last-war torn year;somehow modern day war is the choice of old church thinking? Litafmoli☮️Dehumanization,a tool used by oligarch,financed “aristocracy”,plaguing modern educated Earth;dividing people into controllable groups. Let’s don’t make plans for illogical year of more war.. Ceasefires save combatant lives (now innocents dying along side);ceasefires save resources,ceasefires save historical buildings;ceasefires give diplomacy time to work!!Peace Is My Objective ☮️🫶🏻If Wagner terrorism brigades won’t stop shooting right away,NATO please stop them quickly-get it done-they are making money,money having a great time. Mercenaries steal everything when leaving.Call for it;make it happen United Nations speak ;peace is for families ,Usao,we Earth needs peace.Ceasefire.Loving kindness as method of approach,unify.Tint-wupia.☮️Pompicpoe Biyabo