PJ Topaz

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Hey oh Usao🎶Alitamtam,Litafmoli.unity is cooperating,is success;let’s pray for it in our hearts. Today Usao(myself) thinks about resources available if no one blows them up. Time to give Earths real leadership voices,to bring these petty psychopaths,hoarders of unfounded wealth answerable to Humanity.Every faction to bring ceasefires and peaceful resolutions is good;every faction that says kill and keep on killing is neuroticly bad. Old History tells us amazing accomplishments by Humanity;usually cut short by war. We are modernizing our checks and balances to stop gross thievery;I can feel the power of so many good people working together.Oh the new PSpeak word-“Olbafecfem: ol-ba’-fec’-fem🎵,Olbafecfem,”Our Luscious Beautiful And Fertile Earth Can Feed Every Mouth.

☮️🎶be safe Love to Usao everywhere.