PJ Topaz

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Hey oh Usao,Love to everyone.Help each other.Alitamtam.Ehbiamol.

PSpeak: Lut-Lut (let Usao together-let us together)🎶

Scaspuch:Scasp’-uck’’,(stop cramming square peg upon circular hole)

For USA streamlining each branch of checks and balances is needed. Peace would help to negotiate these needs.Freedom needs help right now;the same needs apply to aesthetics,creative hope,education,for all,everyone everywhere. Leaders be leadersBapapadep☮️

Finding Gardopha 👽series will use this term as iconic parallel to Earth sayings.Scasp🎶-uch’’,Scaspuch.Tint-wupia,Usao,use your love power to build your life;curious,logical,energetic,with integrity-harmony will come.🙏☮️🎶🇺🇦Pompicpoe Photo:Danny Locke’s Assemblage Art(mucho work)Springfield Oregon Bring recycle outlet.