PJ Topaz

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Hey oh 🎶Alitamtam,Edandu,Woffing.Biyabo,Ehbiamol,Pompicpoe. Love to everyone everywhere all the time;Honath,Amucda,Pompicpoe.

Peace Speak 🥸word today:(here we go) Bilchuggotet: bil-chug’-go-tet🎶(🎶is grammatical as per “Finding Gardopha “ series phonetical linguistics of the telepathic Humaii.)Believing In Love Can Help Usao Get Going Toward Essential Teamwork. Bilchuggotet,Tint-wupia.

*glossary🫶🏻:Edandu(every day’s a new day Usao)

Woffing (without forgiveness friendship is not growing)

Honath (helping others nurtures a true heart)

Amucda(all mankind united can do anything)

Ehbiamol (every Human birth is a miracle of life)

Tint-wupia( there is no Them -when universal peace is achieved)☮️be safe

Photo:larspur;delphinium relative,non-edible,gorgeous along the rivers🎵