Pompicpoe Alitamtam ☮️
Hey oh Usao🎶Ceasefire Earth. Peace in our hearts,cities,and global affairs. Believe peace can happen;communicate among ourselves;loving kindness can happen in our hearts and minds,which can help us understand each others motives to survive together. Hunger is an insensitive,ruthless weapon of the greedy,oligarchy oppressionors. .Freedom’s unified message must be clearly understood by future citizens,to justify our struggle to defend equality,justice, and Humanitarian development done by modern progressive societies ,amid sinister,inhumane totalitarian regimes . Every successive generation must take responsible action as we educate, nurture,and empower new generational leaders. ☮️Let us fuel the powerful energy of love, as we strive to achieve the modern Earth-wide peace mankind needs to preserve our planet’s natural beauty and resources.
*Be powerful in your goodness;with togetherness we can create better lives for the future.