PJ Topaz

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Hey oh,Usao,Alitamtam,Pompicpoe. Love to everyone everywhere;peace heals hearts;with time love,goodness,creation’s beauty help Usao seek happiness and harmony. Let our souls rest in deep prayers together to understand this brutal dysfunction,Earthlings,Humanity;we need each other;Usao,we have the idealized infrastructures to have peace on Earth. Amucda,all mankind united can do anything;pour cooling waters of love upon war’s hateful fires. Forgiveness of any fashion means beginning to look forwards;to start heartbreaking re-construction,possible discussions how to rebuild war torn lives and hopes of families. Ceasefire now,reach for a return from manipulated divisive chaos. Pimo,Ehbiamol(every human birth is a miracle of life)🙏

Peace Speak term🥸☮️Eprarfofu: ep-rar’-fo-fu’,(enlightened planning requires analyzing future options for Usao)

Woffing(without forgiveness future is not growing)*also family and friend contexts/form of Woffing)

Honath(helping others nurtures a true heart)

Scioboss(surviving crisis is often beginning of smooth sailing)

👍Eprarofu,Biyabo(believe in yourself and be optimistic)Pompicpoe