PJ Topaz

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Utliywfefe 🤠✌🏾🫶🏻

Hey oh Usao,Alitamtam,Alitamtam.Usao(me)is feeling really close to everyone;remembering memories vivid with children and uncles,aunties,cousins,new friends-WOW❤️Let’s get these abstract,greedy wars stopped. History,reverence,respect we need;we don’t need wars,Earth is sacred to Humanity. Ceasefires stop killing immediately ✌🏾Okay👌🏽

Peace Speak 🤓term(authorization to use love terms appropriately)☮️

Utliywfefe 🎶:oot’-lay-ooh’-fe-fe🎶(use this language if you wish for equal freedom everywhere).Utliywfefe🎵Sing goodness;kindness heals;sing joy,sing amazement;pray for peace.🎵☮️

Sing Peace Speak favorites any time,alone,or jamming.Pimo,Pompicpoe,Ehbiamol,Alitamtam .Everybody sing🎶Be safe,love you,Pompicpoe.

photo: West Coast, sunset imminently approaching;feeling the breeze 🎶