Hey oh Usao🎶(🎶is grammatical);Litafmoli,Edandu,Woffing,Spolsoch,Biyabo,Ehbiamol,Alitamtam,Alitamtam. Peace heals war’s damage. Ceasefire,stop shooting,look around,help each other, safe love you all
🥸☮️new term: Iohswocts:eeh-oh-swoks’(inside our hearts answers wait our chance to speak),Iohawocts
Twus🎶😎just like you see it🎶truth warms Usao’s soul🎶:twus🎶(stay on the vowel sound to sustain 🎶)
*sInG it: Iohawocts-Twus🎶Pompicpoe,Alitamtam
Bapapadep,Bapapadep ☮️(be as prepared as possible and don’t ever panic)
Woffing(without forgiveness family is not growing)
Scioboss(surviving crisis is often beginning of smooth sailing)
Biyabo(believe in yourself and be optimistic)🙏
Spolsoch(say peace out loud so others can hear)
Litafmoli (love is the answer for most of life’s issues)
Ehbiamol (every human birth is a miracle of life)
photo:Oregon grape along Willamette River