Love Is Most Important Quality ☮️🎶

Hey oh 🎶Love’s exhilarating support to everyone everywhere all of the time. Ceasefire.No war ,friends,is needed on our humble city level. Our time is now;next generation most needs hope;by example grandparents can say truths that help;how will they be happy-soon if possible!,Clawag🙃Hoho

PSpeak 🥸term:Limiq(love is most important quality):Le’-meek’☮️

Peace Speak Choir🎶(let’s sing in some Eminor,A minor good🎶🫶🏻Limiq,Limiq,Ehbiamol, Amucda, Litafmoli. Pompicpoe,Edandu,Alitamtam 🎶

Clipote)celebrating life is part of the equation.sing

Ehbiamol(every human birth is a miracle of life)sing

Amucda(all mankind United can do anything)

Clawag(children laughing always warms a gathering )

Alitamtam (all life is truly a miracle truly a miracle)sing 2x

Edandu(every day’s a new day Usao)sing

Litafmoli (love is the answer for most of life’s issues)sing

Pompicpoe (peace of mind peace in city peace on Earth)☮️

*There are no cuss words in Peace Speak,so sing any terms for our six years knowing,our language is courteous;meant to be kind and constructive both. Be safe .Limiq.☮️

Photo; beavers sometimes,ospreys, rarely fun otter families;plenty song birds ,towhees,,woodpeckers ,sounds of water flowing past is mesmerizing;a good place to softly sing pray.


Hey oh Usao🎶Spolsoch Edandu.Clipote, Jiapott,Alitamtam,Litafmoli….,,,Pompicpoe.

*Terms🥸☮️Chusy(children help us stay young)

Ehbiamol(every human birth is a Miracle of life

Spolsoch (Sing peace out loud so others can hear)🎶☮️

Jiapott (joy is a product of thankful thinking)

Amucda(all mankind united can do anything)

Clipote (celebrating life is part of the equation)dig it,sing it ,be safe.☮️


Hey oh Usao, love to you all;Alitamtam.Cilishia,Clipote,Clipote.

Peace Speak 🥸:Sowjealfeo:so-je’-al-fe’-oh🎶)(sing it)(sing out with joyous energizing amazing love for each other)Sowjealfeo🎶Ehbiamol.Alitamtam.Edandu. Sing what youfeel;Litafmoli,

☮️❤️Clipote:celebrating Life is part of the equation 🎶sing

Cilishia (consistency in Love is sweet harmony in action)

Jiapott (joy is a product of thankful thinking).

Litafmoli (Love is the answer for most of Life’s issues)

🎶(practice singing,any key,alone,together) Sowjealfeo 2x🎶; Pompicpoe,Alitamtam,Pimo🙏🏻any term you recall,is for singing. Be safe☮️

Photo:Pacific Ocean horizon at dusk,near mouth of Columbia River;gorgeous reflections there.🎶

Ehumm🎶President/vice president Is Now Beauty Contest.🇺🇸

Hey oh Usao🎵Alitamtam Biyabo Edandu,thanks for caring,thanks for sharing your experiences together;it’s how we learn important community knowledge,sharing good ideas helps.

Mass medias has flooded our s/theirs airwaves completely,so let’s simplify the voter choice algorithm to…..dynamic screen image,beauty if you will. Just look at the two pairs of candidates photogenically. One side has a new strong appearance;the opponent wisened, beleaguered incumbent. Usao(me) wishes for debates right away;give intelligent debate a chance;let’s see how this goes eventually at voting booths.Pompicpoe ☮️

Peace Speak 🥸:Ehumm,e’-humm 🎵(everything hinges upon mass media)listen alertly,evaluate sourced information,but listen for sure. ☮️

*Gonna recommend a relevant song by Brett Dennan,”Make You Go Crazy!”;snappy clever vocals with excellent beat;the ending gives meaning to the cut 🎶

Be safe☮️peace of mind peace in city peace on Earth🎶

Photo:incidental ,almost ripe black berries in Willamette Valley💕


Hey oh,Usao🎶Alitamtam Amucda.Clipote,Tanscarod,RotfighartP,Pompicpoe,Pimo,Skilleda.

🙏🏿Litafmoli(love is the answer for most of life’s issues)together today is joyful;unity can dissolve hate like good butter eventually will,add some honey oh yeah, Ehbiamol,Honath,Edandu.☮️🙏🏿

🥸☮️Peace Speak :Wotto-gocha 🎶(when opportunity to teach occurs-give our children honest advice🎶):wo’-toh-ga-cha🎶

Clipote(celebrating life is part of the equation)

Tanscarod(there are no short cuts around responsibility or duty)

Amucda(all mankind United can do anything)

Wotto-Gocha🎶(when opportunity to teach occurs-give our children honest advice)Woffing(without forgiveness friendship is not growing)

🎶☮️:Singand pray forpeace,together sing kindness (Pimo,peace is my objective),Pompicpoe 🫶🏻

*all Peace Speak words are to sing how you wish,any beautiful harmony with anyone anywhere. Edandu is a great start to any jam.🎶☮️photo:new technique talent art at Emerald Art Gallery Springfield OregonOops, that is City library exhibition;trio of artists make a great walk.

Wwweww🎶Pompicpoe ☮️

Hey oh Usao🎶love to everyone everywhere all the time;pray for ceasefires;pray food gets to those families being affected 🙏🙏🏾🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏻Love heals directly to those who receive it.Honath,Alitamtam,Ehbiamol.

Peace Speak✌🏾:Wwweww(why would we ever want war)

Ehbiamol(every human birth is a miracle of life)

Pompicpoe (peace of mind peace in cities peace on Earth) a greeting 🎶

Honath (helping others nurtures a true heart)

*Everyone be safe while traveling to and fro; vacations are only fun if everyone makes it safely;got a Peace Speak term about car safety,”Stitfoasa”(safe tires is the foundation of a safe automobile);Hydrate🫶🏻,bring the message of peace with you ,wherever you go ☮️Wwweww☮️

Photo: Spencer’s Butte trail,near Eugene Oregon,the trail ascends to panoramic 360 degree view of area;hike is strenuos and worthwhile


Hey oh Usao🎶Alitamtam sing together holding hands. Sing for harmony,keep singing goodness,what is in your heart is what you have to share with each other🎶Groove for peace in every neighborhood.

Peace Speak term:🥸Wailomirf🎶:way-lo’-mirf🎶( when an important lesson occurs make it remembered forever)……….Hmmmm.Pompicpoe

Edandu(every day’s a new day Usao)🎶

Spolsoch 🫶🏻Sing Peace Out Loud So Others Can Hear)

Bapapadep( be as prepared as possible and don’t ever panic)

Litafmoli (love is the answer for most of life’s issues)


Hey oh,🎶Alitamtam Alitamtam Wussumi;Wussumi,Pimo,RotfighartP 🎶Oooh,(ceasefire Usao God wouldn’t ask us to kill)Peace is attainable;no need for more violence;sing your prayers from your heart.

🎶Ceasefire,Usao,God Wouldn’t Ask Us To Kill):Cugwautk:cug-wak’

Wussumi(when Usao says something Usao means it) 🥸☮️ harmony;l and free ,sing ;pray for peace’s🎶


Hey oh,Usao💕💥🫶🏻Love to everyone,everywhere,all of the time. Cilishia,Edandu,Edandu,Ehbiamol.Pompicpoe. Netsabs,Nakwait. ☮️🎵

Peace Speak term🤓:Skilleda🎶: ski’-yea’-dah🎶,Skilleda(stop killing immediately let love enable diplomacy again🎶)Litafmoli,Listwham(listening is skill that will help avoid misunderstanding)

Netsabs(not every thought should actually be spoken)

Nakwait(no one actually knows what another is thinking)

Pompicpoe (peace of mind peace of city peace on Earth)

Pimo(peace is my objective)

Edandu(every day’s a new day Usao)

Cilishia(consistency in love is sweet harmony in action)

Litafmoli(love is the answer to most of life’s issues)


Hey oh Usao,Alitamtam,Ardaholi (alert responsible drivers are heroes of local impact,get everyone home safe if you can,plus)HYDRATION is imperative these hottest days,be safe🙏❤️

😎BE SAFE: love to everyone,;be safe -got it!☮️🎵

☮️🇺🇸EhniamolCeasefires cause peace,which builds cooperation,conserves resources,,promotes harmony.💥Ehbiamol.Jiapott ,Honath.

Oops!🥸Peace Speak term :Tipftea:tip’-fteh-ah’.(today is practice for tomorrow’s exciting agendas)

Gajof’: gah-jof🎵(groove and jam on forever):

*sing it Usao💥🎶Tipftea-Gajof’’Tipftea-gojof,Alitamtam Alitamtam,Edandu ,Pompicpoe

*☮️🎵:Jiapott(joy is a product of thankful thinking)

Ehbiamol (every human birth is a miracle of life)

Honath( helping others nurtures a true heart)

Edandu(every day’s a new day Usao(everyone everywhere)

🎶Topftea’-Gajof’’Alitamtam,Pompicpoe,Ehbiamol,Tipftea-Gajof’’Alitamtam🎵☮️love to everybody🙏💕

photo inside Jersey’s Bar,Junction City Oregon:cool Mom ‘n and Pop.grill to broiled delicious food and sweet pub atmosphere.


Hey oh Usao🎶(🎶is grammatical);Litafmoli,Edandu,Woffing,Spolsoch,Biyabo,Ehbiamol,Alitamtam,Alitamtam. Peace heals war’s damage. Ceasefire,stop shooting,look around,help each other, safe love you all

🥸☮️new term: Iohswocts:eeh-oh-swoks’(inside our hearts answers wait our chance to speak),Iohawocts

Twus🎶😎just like you see it🎶truth warms Usao’s soul🎶:twus🎶(stay on the vowel sound to sustain 🎶)

*sInG it: Iohawocts-Twus🎶Pompicpoe,Alitamtam

Bapapadep,Bapapadep ☮️(be as prepared as possible and don’t ever panic)

Woffing(without forgiveness family is not growing)

Scioboss(surviving crisis is often beginning of smooth sailing)

Biyabo(believe in yourself and be optimistic)🙏

Spolsoch(say peace out loud so others can hear)

Litafmoli (love is the answer for most of life’s issues)

Ehbiamol (every human birth is a miracle of life)

photo:Oregon grape along Willamette River

Utliywfefe 🤠✌🏾🫶🏻

Hey oh Usao,Alitamtam,Alitamtam.Usao(me)is feeling really close to everyone;remembering memories vivid with children and uncles,aunties,cousins,new friends-WOW❤️Let’s get these abstract,greedy wars stopped. History,reverence,respect we need;we don’t need wars,Earth is sacred to Humanity. Ceasefires stop killing immediately ✌🏾Okay👌🏽

Peace Speak 🤓term(authorization to use love terms appropriately)☮️

Utliywfefe 🎶:oot’-lay-ooh’-fe-fe🎶(use this language if you wish for equal freedom everywhere).Utliywfefe🎵Sing goodness;kindness heals;sing joy,sing amazement;pray for peace.🎵☮️

Sing Peace Speak favorites any time,alone,or jamming.Pimo,Pompicpoe,Ehbiamol,Alitamtam .Everybody sing🎶Be safe,love you,Pompicpoe.

photo: West Coast, sunset imminently approaching;feeling the breeze 🎶


Hey oh Usao,Alitamtam,Pompicpoe.

Peace Speak word:Lafpiop: laf’-pi-op🎶(🎶is grammatical to effectively sing Lafpiop:(let’s ask for peace in our prayers)-Colsiu🎶:col-see’-ooh🎶(come on let’s sing in unison)Use any Peace Speak word to sing e.g. :Jiapott, RotfighartP,Poritwri,Ehbiamol,Honath sings well🎵🎶

Search for harmony☮️

Jiapott(joy is a product of thankful thinking)

Poritwri (prejudice of race is the Worst reason imaginable)

RotfighartP (reach out to friends in good humor ready to Party)

Tint-wupia: tint’-wu’-pi-ah🎶(there is no “them”-when Universal Peace is achieved)


Photo:precious water🙏

Schaim-Savefeft☮️Ceasefire Everywhere,Ehbiamol☮️

Hey oh Usao🎶Alitamtam (all life is truly a miracle truly a miracle. Children are the future;be honorable examples and friends with them.

🥸Peace Speak term:Schaim:shame’,skaim(all correct pronounced)Small Children Have Analytical Innocent Minds🎶☮️

Savefeft:sa’-ve’-feft🎶Seeing A Viable Ethical Future Eases Fearful Thinking

*Shaim-savefeft🎶help kids by listening and sharing their experiences;love and support them with patient courtesy.❤️There is love to be shared.

Biyabo(believe in yourself and be optimistic)

Ehbiamol (every Human birth is a miracle of Life)

Wussumi(when Usao says something Usao means it)love is true. Be safe.☮️

Photo: segment of mural in Springfield Oregon,depicting the beauty of family life)


Hey oh,Usao,🎶you make my heart sing just to feel your heart beating,working hard for love’s reward. Love unites,love bonds,and love builds upon good kind works,that gain trust. To feel love powers is gained through faithfulness,consistency,which appears when our eyes are focused upon true purpose;love gives Usao(everybody everywhere)purpose to achieve what is good. Usao(me)just loves love;peace will come eventually because of love-I predict👌🏽 Alitamtam. Ehbiamol. Pimo. Amucda. Bapapadep. Clipote 🎶☮️

🥸Peace Speak term:(ahem!😏)…..Oh!:Tingimipak:ting-ee’-mee-pak’(there is nothing gained if more innocent people are killed)Pompicpoe

Alitamtam (all life is truly a miracle truly a miracle)

Ehbiamol (every Human birth is a miracle of Life)

Amucda (all mankind united can do anything)

Clipote (celebrating Life is part of the equation)

Bapapadep (be as prepared as possible and don’t ever panic)

*Diplomacy must oversee Earthwide operations,ceasefire everywhere;United Nations Security Council must unite within.🙏save our delicate planet ,Tingimipak,Pompicpoe ☮️❤️


Hey oh Usao🎶🙏Love to all you beautiful creations;so diverse,beautiful ,unique by traditions;precious,every innocentsmile,curiosityprofound. Let Usao (everyone everywhere)pray for universal peace. Let’s make every leader everywhere accountable to United Nation values;get rid of sick,corrupt politicians who have lost their values. Life is for living-not incessant violence;Usao is educated;now build brave trusting,communicative relationships with each other;Pompicpoe (peace of mind,peace in city,peace on Earth)starts locally,with what can be done with unified purpose. Local vision and purpose .🫶🏻

🤓Peace Speak terms: Cilishia(consistency in love is sweet harmony in action)

Fadawllas(from a distance a wave look like a smile)

Edandu(every day’s a new day Usao)

Biyabo(believe in yourself and be optimistic)

Litafmoli (love a the answer for most of life’s issues)

Anfiava(a new friend is a valuable asset)

Clipote (celebrating life is part of the equation)🫶🏻👍🌸be safe


Hey oh,Usao,Alitamtam,Pompicpoe. Love to everyone everywhere;peace heals hearts;with time love,goodness,creation’s beauty help Usao seek happiness and harmony. Let our souls rest in deep prayers together to understand this brutal dysfunction,Earthlings,Humanity;we need each other;Usao,we have the idealized infrastructures to have peace on Earth. Amucda,all mankind united can do anything;pour cooling waters of love upon war’s hateful fires. Forgiveness of any fashion means beginning to look forwards;to start heartbreaking re-construction,possible discussions how to rebuild war torn lives and hopes of families. Ceasefire now,reach for a return from manipulated divisive chaos. Pimo,Ehbiamol(every human birth is a miracle of life)🙏

Peace Speak term🥸☮️Eprarfofu: ep-rar’-fo-fu’,(enlightened planning requires analyzing future options for Usao)

Woffing(without forgiveness future is not growing)*also family and friend contexts/form of Woffing)

Honath(helping others nurtures a true heart)

Scioboss(surviving crisis is often beginning of smooth sailing)

👍Eprarofu,Biyabo(believe in yourself and be optimistic)Pompicpoe


Hey oh Usao and courtesy:seek harmony with eyes and ears:every transaction personally ethical and kind. Sing,grow,help,be safe.

PSpeak🥸words of blog;let’s call it “wob”(okay,ahem)

Usmucador;Usao’s so mad Usao could act dumb or rudely💥Tatoa (take a time out amigo)☮️(say it how you want;message rings true)🙏

Uspaci’io🎶Usao’s So Pleased A Compliment Is-In Order🎶ooz-spa-chi-ee-oh🎶

Be safe :Alitamtam,Pompicpoe..

Relative: Netsabs(not every thought should actually be spoken)

Nakwait (No-one actually knows what another is thinking)

Woffing(without forgiveness friendship is not growing. Be safe Love


Hey oh 🎶Alitamtam,Edandu,Woffing.Biyabo,Ehbiamol,Pompicpoe. Love to everyone everywhere all the time;Honath,Amucda,Pompicpoe.

Peace Speak 🥸word today:(here we go) Bilchuggotet: bil-chug’-go-tet🎶(🎶is grammatical as per “Finding Gardopha “ series phonetical linguistics of the telepathic Humaii.)Believing In Love Can Help Usao Get Going Toward Essential Teamwork. Bilchuggotet,Tint-wupia.

*glossary🫶🏻:Edandu(every day’s a new day Usao)

Woffing (without forgiveness friendship is not growing)

Honath (helping others nurtures a true heart)

Amucda(all mankind united can do anything)

Ehbiamol (every Human birth is a miracle of life)

Tint-wupia( there is no Them -when universal peace is achieved)☮️be safe

Photo:larspur;delphinium relative,non-edible,gorgeous along the rivers🎵