ITUJOOTT-“It’s True Usao (we)Just Observed Occurance Together Today::ee-tu’-jo-oft’🎶Seems a playful answer to question
irujoott-It’s Real Usao Just Observed Together Today:ee-ru’-jo-Orr’🎶
ibujoott-It’s Beautiful Usao Just Observed Occurance Today Together: ee-bu’-jo-off ’🎶
*Seems to be a witness pact, maybe to say I just saw what you saw:
*Three contexts of ujoott:(we just saw it together, true, real or beautiful 🤓
*maybe observing a poignant moment in nature;a paternal joy or pride
*🤓real ,hmmmm,confirming witnessed reality..........(maybe used in a conversation about personal UFO sightings)
*aw heck! Let’s combine ‘em, listen:”iturujoott,itubujoott”;hmmm, less is better, just “ujoott”(we saw it together)