“The Rewards After Helping Another R (are) Pleasant.”✌️

*This term is merely a food for thought term;call it karma,or conscience the spirit approves of kind, helpful actions . TRAHARP is merely a call to action as your day progresses, to do the actions that are polite and helpful,with a smile. Making a difference by being kind might slowdown a steamy, irate feeling that another could be experiencing; Usao must be alert to NOT be drawn into a potentially volition situation, so be ready to “idawa”,(inhale deeply and walk away!) We do take chances by interacting, but the rewards are there to be reaped for ourselves and those we affect.Pompicpoe

CUBOA-Can Usao Be Of Assistance.-

* An offer of help might be wise when approaching a frought or disoriented person. In actuality speaking English is definitely wise, but the term does promote a sequence that is a bit of vicarious preparation for a “situation”. “Asa’ar”, meaning that a smile is always helpful,is good to remember,also;a friendly face being a form of psychological assurance..☮️

*Honath,Usao,TRAHARP liphan;  IBUJOOTT liphant;pompicpoe!✌️🎶