USAO and Peeka New Incident

SHE meaning Peeka New, 12 lbs, 9 years, personal day long shadow; blessed friend and confidant.Today texting and walking by the river,USAO(me))starts singing in an altered gravelly voice; thinking Tom Waitt, Louis Armstrong,Eric Burden, I get into my sound for a few minutes; eyes to the tree tops searching for some semblance of appeal; it was bad I guess, when I look for Peeka New she has distanced herself twice our normal distance; off feeling rejected by Baba(also me) because of this horrible growling for minutes!Altered and varied in dog ears her daddy was real upset🥰After my rendition ended,SHE , of course, seeing that my anger fit was gone ;and adoring love had returned; we continued on, leash in hand, together ❤️🤪☮️ Edandu, biyabo, kokopuff,alitamtam,Pompicpoe ☮️🎶
