“Some Of USAO’s Most Enjoyable Relaxed Time Involves-Petting Our Dog’s Head As I Poop”: so-mair 🎶-te’-poe-dape’, soumerti-podhaip☮️
NOTE:😎USAO’s thought process here is about slowing down; thinking of time to reflect ;to mull Life over, think some . Well, as usual, USAO has metaphorically chosen a sometimes odiferous , but essential occasion to say,”stop and smell the roses! Who knows what epiphany will occur, with a great mind at work!
Note(again):Somewhere, there is a point being made here👌World Peace and World Love to Usao(you) wherever Usao (everyone)is, lives, or is traveling —-always, everyday, all of the time🙏🌈☮️