“ Love Is The Answer For Many Of Life’s Issues”,lee-toff’-mo-lee🎶,litafmoli
USAO has more thoughts about loving each other. Reguardless of races, religions, whatever prejudices and divisions can be emphasized by mean thinking hurts us all. WE us,Usao, have the minds to rise to loving unity; USAO(me), I’ll take a hug from anyone who is giving them..❤️Pompicpoe ☮️🎶
BTWay, USAO, really likes litafmoli; sometimes the pondering pays off in a good way for me. Peace Speak is a game,a tool,a writer’s exercise in thinking. Litafmoli is soothing, reflective, and accurate. Explaining this PSpeak word could diffuse, or entertain another☮️
NOTE:🧐the squirrels love the corn in the bird feeder🥰🐿