PJ Topaz

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Ceasefires Cause Peace and Less Frantic Traveling☮️(More time to talk)

Hey oh,Usao, Alitamtam tint-wupia☮️🙏Let’s bring NATO and Putin to the Media first hand;let every voice be heard fully for as long as they want to talk face -to-face to the world. We can try to be so open-minded and efficient. Media can be swayed back and forth;panics cultivated by varied agendas,using violence or bullying,or coquettish mimicking of opponents;entertaining,but altruistic USAO(me)doesn’t think so. Democracy needs PEACE to function properly;every war is needless,if both sides are taken to account;one as victim and other imperialist…Unified Leadership get back to living and loving life Yourself. Ceasefires, if battle zones can call “timeouts”,PEACE is the continuation of the process.Usao (us all) can utilize All the saved resources for civic feeding,nursing,re-building. Less jets,bombs.artillery.lazers,our animals could settle down and the weathers smooth out some PLUS other consumption issues;wasteful war,war is wasteful;warring is about wasting in ANGER? Power is best done in dignified conference,unity with purpose to excel as people,together;we can do it. Alitamtam,Pompicpoe ☮️ Be safe

photo comment:TERM inspired by gorgeous Autumn a couple years ago,”bloryag-uli”PSpeak :Brown Leaves Orange Red Yellow And Green-Usao Loves It