Efgradtkja,Reach Out Toward Healing☮️🎶

Hey oh,Usao(you,them,us,everybody)LOVE you all🎶Alitamtam USAO(me🤪)gives some free Love and harmony ,praying for safety and meals ,and medical help ; together is how we face oppression.The FREE WORLD,educated,observant,and UNIFIED,will slow,then stop the greedy. Oligarchs skating around the Earth are painting themselves into inescapable corners,metaphorically said;soon their “Wars”,will be against each other;unless rational Mankind bails Freedom out and achieves OUR PEACE again. No matter the altruistic,unified /humanist politics of Society, there is NO VALID REASON to create war.Hmmmmm,soooooo, Ceasefires create situations where Mankind can Talk while not killing. Though not much money to be made while sitting on our hands at a negotiation table, somebody’s family is not losing a loved one. WE(Usao,you,us ,them)are not collateral pieces of war supplies. The global hotshots need to puckerup and get away from the mirrors they love so much;look for modern structures that can heal their own paranoias with TRUST. Ukraine needs PEACE,Russia would be better off with PEACE,so let’s reach out for it,get OUR PEACE back.”Efgradtkja,Roth☮️🎶👏

Photo:raindrops on a delicate web;battle blast concussions obliterate delicate beauty,never to regain that symmetry again.Pompicpoe