Netsabs,Nakwait ,Edandu 🥴👍

Hey oh Usao(everyone everywhere)My prayers are for safety,food and protection ,Edandu☮️🎶Holidays this week;so be safe getting to and fro;be courteous,strive to be patient:leave early;tell family stories and sing while idling along;no drinkers behind the wheel (Ardaholi☮️) When together,listen to each other;let the others reveal what their thoughts are. Give encouragement;be family support, be thankful out loud to build harmony in celebrations. ☮️War time outs bothered me when in combat,then in retrospect USAO(me)now feels every battle shot held back in decision is progress;breaks my heart for our soldiers to be gone on Thanksgiving. Achieving ceasefires is evidence the means of diplomacy exists;wars are dysfunctional;evidence of weak paranoid tendencies of overly introspective behavior by isolated,mean spirited hedonistic leadership(they know who they are) New priorities,modern methods ,and standards of governance on humanitarian grounds are the product of teamwork and our unity;implicit in civilized societies. In family conversation use diplomacy,listen;we do not actually know what is going on inanother’s mind.Speaking too soon might be counter-productive;another day’s sunrise could be the day Usao gains peace again. Happy holidays,take care of each other-we love you.☮️🎶Pompicpoe

Photo:rocking chairs at airport waiting gate in Eugene Oregon💕help those babies sleep