Pompicpoe,so glad Usao (everyone ❤️)can meet here 🙏☮️ I went speechless yesterday. USAO(me)cares what reactions are happening,so I abhor this sickening “war” killing babies.old people trying to just stay home,creating new homeless!! My sad here is Vladimir Putin didn’t get enough Love philosophy in his violent life;sorry Vlad,if I may,didn’t get the Love message early.Never too late to start making better choices,Hmmmm USAO(me) got off track, but the realm of forgiveness helps balance understanding a bit. How does Vladimir pray? I care.because any real prayers done would lead toward selfforgiveness.Hmmmmm,see what this writing does 🙃For our side☮️, many of us pray many different Ways; it is beautiful;side by side touching base with Creation,purity in each meditationUSAO loves it;WE gotta Protect; UNITY of ALL BEINGS .WOW,that does stop War; okay, todays title,”reach upward breath slowly and pray”(I really like this word; probably will be used in “Finding Gardopha “)”Rubsap”
sing🎶)Be Safe;Alitamtam be safe🎶Alitamtam 🎶
do what you can;Alitamtam 🌈do what you can🌈Alitamtam