Pompicpoe Usao,Edandu,Honath;☮️
We cannot allow our collective rationale to consider violent Wars to be in the “best interest “ of Society anywhere. To utilize all grades of armaments in this War is akin to say a Chess board game with split second moves,mistakes will be made;and Humanity will pay. If Democracy needs a defensive chip on it’s shoulder,so be it ,using Peace as our method to survive and protect. Usao(us)have each other,much reason to believe and be thankful. So many people WANT PEACE,for everyone ; now our efforts need to stop the Wasteful,Expensive,ill-logicalExplosives;all kinds Cease-Fire! Stop killing now;blah-blah-blah rhetoric by insensitive leaderships,isn’t good enough;too many lives civilians and soldiers gone already. Love ,Respect,,Equality,Knowledges of History by academic pursuits ,perceiving World Harmony is gaining steps toward Our Peace again .Pompicpoe ☮️🎶