Hey oh,Usao,Pompicpoe,Alitamtam a nuclear episode needs be avoided;Earth’s fragile crust being broken,atmosphere horribly disturbed,and a wary,heartbroken World population.🙏Russian sick military rampancy has exposed their country’s modern day subjugation style,intimidation and restrictive media propaganda ,in a new way to NATO United Nations. Justice has many fans; a short list,Russia China India each with great domains need World function,a symbiosis of administrative realities.🙏Trust is Usao’s advantage commodity helping building strong allied powers. With outside the box thinking 🤔 USAO says Modern World Leadership with Teamwork can provide Freedom’s unified counter to Russia’s desperate criminal idiocy. Only paranoid,avaricious Russia wants war;shut it down now NATO,no drawn out bull-crap by Russian oligarchs strutting around for years;it won’t work any longer,they get seedier and seedier by mobster years. The people of Russia deserve a life also,Vladimir Putin.Cease Fire, there is no glory in war; nothing to pursue by mass killing.😢🙏USAO(me)sends loving-kindness in all global directions. Be safe,work together,believe.Ceasefire Worldwide,Pompicpoe