Pompicpoe Usao🙏

Hey oh🎶 your safety is our prayers. USAO (me) looks to encourage and inspire;our solutions for the future involve unity.Teamwork,hmmmm;our part ,defined by circumstances,is valuable ,eventually compromise and diplomacy administered. ☮️Looking at present World situation is good, but,we must solve/work on the local issues simultaneously. Each person has many opportunities everyday to help ,or hinder situations everywhere we go. Courtesy,initiatives,alertness done are within OUR realm. A sports metaphor for my thoughts is”letting a game come to you”. Overexertion doing,worrying,fussing about what is not realistically done by ourselves is wasted time;valuable time. Meditation,communication with others,prayer help feel inner calm.For the sake of our children,the future of us all,we need find joys,laughs,smiles within our hearts along our unique journeys. To be an example of hope and harmony,while doing those things within our own realm.☮️Alitamtam,Edandu

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