Hey oh Usao,love you everyone.everywhere. Alitamtam.Amucda. Perceive your best dream.then inhale and dream some more. Usao ,we can do this -PEACE- most of mankind’s horrific crimes disappear when war’s hateful dehumanizing acts disappear. No peasant will ever find their fortune going to war;their family will suffer,and aristocracy coiffures will ring-a-ding like never before. Listen to the mouths on the media;elect by voting with your hearts desire! Usao (us,you,we,them,everybody-but the billionaires)want peace to live in. Unified(without giant explosions)Humanity can conserve better;reduce rapid species extinctions,feed and even teach and love each other. Love you all ,Usao,be safe;check some archive readings;Peace Speak began Oct 2017,became a bit of a reclusive journal/diary. Usao(me) says love is where harmony exists;pursue love to fulfill our human life together ;,harmony is imminent when love is generated.
CEASEFIRES CAUSE PEACE.Theological,philosophical often reiterated,crap is not reason to exterminate people;. Stop shooting the messenger. Resist exploitation by being smart;vote,elect,believe—survive with loving unity. Stopping drugs,protecting our families,balancing food supplies, is the agenda of families. Democracy can prevail with transparency,equality,visionary leadership;why settle for a sordid dysfunctional planet? United Nations can stop bully wars quickly;divided nations only watch with horrified faces and unsoiled hands(maybe greased-palms). UKraine has been blown apart by a stinking mafia bully;complicit in murders.Putin cannot extend his miscalculation at the expense of Humanity;explosions and mass executions ,how has this cynical pathetic foray helped anyone?? Only Putin.
Survive the crisis and smooth sailing is coming. Love to everyone;so many good people;unify with the power in yourselves.🙏🏻☮️🎶
Photo:Watercolor of Mekong Delta area after a morning talk among citizens; note geese on the horizon,and buffalo placidly walking through the war zone.