Hey oh,Usao,Love to everyone everywhere all the time. Ceasefire Earth. Litafmoli: love heals,love motivates,love feels good:so many of us want peaceful living;this we can know in our hearts,life is precious to us all. Usao(me)prays for unity;that sacred hopes,and goodness are just so large and beautiful for Evilness to ever prevail. Love,Usao(everyone),changes decisions,we know that;love will bring peace in our lives. Action with purpose, friends;daily protections,alertness, love to give to others;because life is beautiful when we have peace.Woffing.
Peace Spsak☮️🧐:Amptom-eimede:amp’-tom’-ei-me’-de’(Apt Metaphors Pertaining To Our Mortality -Exist In Molecular Evolutionary Databases Everywhere) Our lives are short;your life,is precious;peace heals;mankind needs peace;believers are workers.Tint-wupia☮️
Bless you all,together we can help each other;Bapapadep (be as prepared as possible and don’t ever panic🫶🏻)Alitamtam Pompicpoe ☮️🎶