
Hey ,Usao,Alitamtam;Usao(me)sheds sad sad tears for harmless people,uncomprehending children being slaughtered,;now damaged families all over the world grieve simultaneously. Powerful greed,haughty ancient prides-really irrelevant to contemporary Mankind’s own existential crises. Yeah😳in the middle we are,🎵But We ;each one can help somebody daily when we can do some sweet loving;says a cheer,help in our own realm;feels good doing good.

PSpeak🤓☮️:Alolialot🎶:A Life Of Love Is A Life Of Trust🎶:ah-lo-lee’-ah’-lot’🎶(notes are grammatical in this case as used in Finding Gardopha story).Sing when you read🤪

Pimo-peace is my objective 🙏

*Everyone everywhere be safe,☮️🙏

Ehbiamol……precious little ones;ceasefires cause peace,Alitamtam.