Hey oh Usao,Pompicpoe,Alitamtam. Love to everyone,everywhere Edandu;peace is my objective. 🙏Helping Ukraine defend it’s sovereignty is our honorable privilege and responsibility ,if protecting equality,freedom,happiness,personal dignity,family values,integrity as integral human rights is our priority. Peace is Usao’s priority because it is best for families. Earth has United Nations accountability,but the world crime/economic leadership is “bickering”(hiring killing)-not each other,just their“political collateral assets”. People need people;society thrives on good humor,education,collaborative science;all of religions together equals the almighty loving spirit. Diversity brings alternatives of thought and wisdom;together with love in our hearts we can create peace globally;so many smart good hard working people. Usao loves you all,prays for warmth,safety, peace ✌🏾 Biyabo☮️believe in yourself,hope and optimism is love based.
NOTE: PUTIN should be required to address the world,United Nations assembly immediately. China,India,Brazil,South Africa,Korea,Japan.France,Germany,all NATO constituencies:to SPEAK WITH HIS MOUTH and MIND to us Earthlings. Vladimir likes chairs made of gold? Ceasefires cause peace;peace puts mercenary killers out of work. Usao figures farmers, ranchers,carpenters,peace keepers,teachers are happier people than hired killers in a war zone. Policy makers end wars too;diplomacy ends wars,we can end wars with overwhelming unity and loving kindness. Freedom is why we defend;to feel free to choose what we believe is best. Be safe Tint-wipiltos🙏