Hey oh,Usao, love everyone everywhere,all the time;Alitamtam,Tint-wupia,Slipoul.Tiwinfy☮️ Every minute is precious,Usao(me),senses loving-kindness as our civic spirit is how Usao(all of us)build together. War is dysfunction in the modern world;war is oligarchy tantrums;war fought by peons is global subjugation. Every Earth Nation has educated politicians/leaders;Earth is a combative “no man’s land”,because rich Earthling’s want it that way. Sadly,ethics is rarely mentioned discussing economic profits,system’s pragmatic approaches; Ceasefires cause peace,which causes economic Society productivity,done with loving-kindness to flourish,united. ✌🏾Okay,Peace Speak speakers: ☮️Llowdagoofu:yo’-dag’-gu-foo🎵(double LLs are “y” sound) Pompicpoe Biyabo