Hey oh Usao,Alitamtam,Alitamtam,Pimo,Ehbiamol,Honath…Take the money opportunity out of war and we can get peace.These are not firecrackers the bozo,fanatics are exploding,but must be great fun to the rich selfish people causing these wars. Humanity would best be served if the oligarchs and aristocracy developed conscience;mental hygiene of these barbarism oriented philosophies. The truly educated countries need each other unified in defense .Trust is essential,the basis of democracy,a part of freedom. Ceasefire Earth.
Peace Speak🥸term:Enpwanalpom: en’-pwan-al-pom’(Every Normal Person Wants And Needs A Loving Peace Of Mind),Enpwanalpom-hechba!(Hope Earth Can Heal Breath Again)*pronounced:hek-ba!
**Usao (me) sends love 🙏be safe pray for peaceful solutions,kind leaders regrouping and unified.